Figging and Using Ginger in Your Play

I could have sworn I’d done an article on figging already, but I looked, and I couldn’t find it. I think I might possibly have done an abbreviated version in a larger post, rather than doing one on its own. So, I guess it’s time.

Figging is the act of inserting a piece of ginger into an orifice. Most commonly we hear about it being used in anal play. However, you can actually do it in the vagina and in the urethra as well.

Continue reading “Figging and Using Ginger in Your Play”

Surprise Sale! (And Other News)

Claiming His Brat

You get a bonus post this week because I’m having a surprise sale. Since Amazon messed up my last one back in March I decided to have a sale now to celebrate the new release in the Daddy Take the Reins series. So Claiming His Brat is NOW on sale for .99 cents this week only! The sale ends on August 21st so don’t miss out.

I’m not planning to put it on sale again in 2021. So, if you read it in Kindle Unlimited but want a copy of your own, or you’ve been curious about the series, now is your chance to grab it for pennies.

In other news I’ll be doing a release event for my new release Keeping His Brat tomorrow (August 15th) in the Dirty Daddy Party Room on Fb. I have some fun giveaways planned, including a Fortune Cookie Soap gift pack with a custom designed item I had made for this series. So come find me at 7pm eastern time and join the fun! (My posts will be live between 7-8pm but my contests will all last 48 hours.)

That’s all for now, but I’ll see you at the end of the month to talk about adding a little spice to the bedroom… with an actual spice (Ginger!)

Keeping His Brat is now live!

Just a quick announcement. The third book in the Daddy Takes the Reins series is now live and in Kindle Unlimited. Please help me make it a success!

If you can, add it to your ‘want to reads’ on Goodreads. That stirs up excitement about the book and gets more people interesting. The link is here: Keeping His Brat on Goodreads

And if you haven’t bought or borrowed your copy of the book yet you can grab it here: Keeping His Brat.

For those of you who picked up arc copies to review, you can now put your reviews up. Aren’t release days exciting? Wheeee!

Don’t forget to pop back in on Friday though so a series blog post about dealing with your needs not being met. See you then!

So Much Going On!

Wow, this has been an insanely busy month. I can’t even tell you how many things have been going on, but I have lots of news.

To start with Enslaved By Magic, my genie novel, came out a few days ago. Unfortunately right after we released it the publisher realized the cover didn’t really work. And with the cover change came a title change as well. Because of that we had to pull the book down, because Amazon doesn’t allow retitling.

It is now back up as Mastering Amari, with a new cover, blurb and title. You can find it here: Mastering Amari And also unfortunately we have lost all the reviews that were up, because Amazon won’t transfer them to the new listing. So if you left a review on Enslaved By Magic can you PLEASE, pretty please move it over to Mastering Amari. And if you haven’t reviewed yet, please do so when you get the chance. It would really help!

In other news Keeping His Brat (up now for pre-order at a sale price) is FINISHED and is with the editor as we speak. I came really close to the deadline for this one but I think it’s worth it. It ended up being a good 15k longer than I had planned which was part of why it took so long. This book will be longer than usual for the genre, but it will release on time on August 7th.

I will be having a release party in the Dirty Daddies group on facebook on August 15th and will be doing a lot of fun stuff. I’ve got some nice giveaways planned, including a few custom items so you don’t want to miss out.

Speaking of Dirty Daddies … I am now I am currently working on my story for the Dirty Daddies Anthology, which will feature Mitch and Olivia on a trip home to meet his family!

I’ve been looking forward to writing this one. I planned, well hoped, to get the second Action Daddy book out just before the Dirty Daddies anthology was due to release, because where they are in their relationship will be after the second book. But I plan to make it stand alone so if I don’t quite make it, it should still be fine.

My final bit of news is that I will be participating in a book party this upcoming Saturday, August 5th. I’ll be in New Romance Cafe on Facebook. It’s a nice place, all about the romance books, multi-genre so not kinky focused. It runs from 3pm-10:30, should be fun. Come join us! As usually I’ll be doing a couple of giveaways!

With everything going on the blog has been a bit slow but I do have several articles almost finished. Hopefully I’ll be able to get at least one of them out at some point this month. In the meantime I have to get back to work. I’ll see you soon!