Daily Lists and How They Help With D/s (Especially Long Distance)

So if you’ve been reading my blog for a while you know I have two Doms, L&G and that we’re all three in different countries so the chances to be together in person, especially all three of us, are very rare. That means a good part of our relationship has to be conducted long distance.

This isn’t a new experience for me. I’ve had many Doms from a distance over the years. Some were close enough to visit frequently, while others had to happen only rarely. It can be hard at times but the Internet is a fantastic tool for allowing this to happen.

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Taming His Brat teaser and party announcement

The sequel to Claiming His Brat is going to be called Taming His Brat. I’m not entirely happy with it but it works, and honestly after discarding dozens of names I ran out of energy to keep waffling.

I’m not sure if I’ve shared a teaser yet but since I’m looking at wrapping up the ending in the next couple of days I felt like I should share something.

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Covid Silence and How It’s Affecting Relationships

A more serious topic for us today after the relaxed December month. Covid Silence is a term I made up to describe the way everyone is kind of pulling into themselves right now. Between the depression, the wish to avoid mentions of the pandemic, and just in general not having much to chat about means a lot of people are going quiet.

For me the hardest part of living in a pandemic has been that silence and difficulty in communicating. It’s amazing how much the daily chatter dies down when no one leaves their house, or does anything fun to share.

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Claiming His Brat Paperback Live!

I’m so excited and I’ve got several updates for you. First, the paperback for Claiming His Brat is live now. I had planned for it to come out in November but there were a few delays along the path. It’s finally up and it’s so gorgeous. If you thought the cover was pretty wait until you see the whole wrap on the paperback. I’m in love!

So if you hate e-books and only buy paperbacks now is your time! You can find it here: mybook.to/ClaimingPaperback very reasonably priced at 9.99. This is new the release price and will probably go up later.

Continue reading “Claiming His Brat Paperback Live!”