Blog post: Be careful with your vagina

This is an unplanned post. It was meant to be just a quick thing but I got wrapped up in researching so it ended up being a little more detailed than I had planned. I wanted to put this out there, because of this article which I see making the rounds on Facebook and Twitter. The headline says “Women be warned: DON’T put ice lollies in your vaginas to cool down in UK heatwave, say docs” Well, then.

Continue reading “Blog post: Be careful with your vagina”

Join me for the Sizzling release party July 3rd

Helllooo, lovely readers! The new book: Surrendering to her General is doing amazingly well on Amazon. It is ranking better than any other book I’ve written, even almost a month after release. Honestly, I’m a bit in shock over it, and I haven’t even had my release party yet.

I wanted to remind you that I will be taking part in  my Publisher’s monthly release party on  Facebook, July 3rd and I would love to have you guys participate.
Continue reading “Join me for the Sizzling release party July 3rd”