Happy New Year

Welcome to 2024. I hope the first week has been treating you well. I’m feeling excited and invigorated about new beginnings. It makes me super motivated to lay down some plans for the year.

Which, in all honesty, will probably only last for a few weeks, but I want to take advantage while I can!

My 2023 holiday card. It features a cartoon frog wearing a Yule wreath of holly and candles. It says “Happy Holidays. Wishing you all the very best of holidays and a fantastic 2024.

Last year’s resolution/goal was to post here more often, and I’m pleased with how I did. I managed two serious articles most months and tried to keep you updated in between. I did take most of December off for my sanity.

I just had too much to do, but now I’m back and I’ve already scheduled my first article of the year for next Friday. I’ll be talking about limits and why ‘No limits’ isn’t a thing. Why it’s important to have them, and state them clearly.

I also have a few other articles progressing, that I hope to have finished soon. And I have a list of smaller projects to complete this month, that I’d like to share with you.

I intend to get the tropes and triggers documents updated. These are downloadable checklists in pdf that you can print out. You can find the current ones here: Downloads and I’ll let you know when I get them updated. (Edit January 7th, 2024 updates are complete.)

There is a no-spoilers file that just lists my available books by series and genres.

And then there is a more detailed file that lists all the tropes and triggers I can think of in each of my books. If you like or avoid certain things in fiction this is a good one for you. I don’t usually do trigger warnings in my books for various reasons, which we can discuss another day, but I do like to provide a way for readers to check if they need to.

Getting the paperback editions of this year’s Krampus book, and last year’s Krampus Zaddy was on the list, but I actually just checked that off yesterday. All Krampus books are now available in paperback here: Krampus Collective Series.

I’ve been working with my newsletter manager on a plan to shift my newsletter over to Substack. That will hopefully be happening in the next couple of months. This is a big change because I’ve had to limit my newsletter subscribers and purge the list from time to time because I pay by the number of people on it.

That will supposedly change with Substack since it doesn’t limit mailing list sizes. There might be some trial and error as we figure out how things work there, but I’m excited about the change.

It also means that I can start actively promoting my newsletter to grow it up. In the meantime, if you want to sign up for the newsletter you can do so here: Newsletter and you will get a free book for signing up.

If you used to be signed up for the newsletter and stopped getting them twice a month, then you should sign up again. The only way to purge the newsletter list of inactive subscribers, is to bump people who haven’t clicked any links in a specific time period. (We used a year)

Unfortunately, we are unable to see if you’re reading the newsletter, unless you click on a link in it, and sometimes even clicking doesn’t register. So active members do get bumped off. I’m sorry about that. But you can always resub!

And once we get everything moved over, I’ll be pulling the free book and swapping it out for a new one, which is all ready to go. Don’t worry, current subscribers will be given a link to get it for free too, so you don’t have to wait to sign up when the book changes.

As far as books, I am in the process of setting up my writing schedule for the year. My plans at the moment are:

  1. A Novella for February with the new characters from Maya’s Scary Little Halloween. (Camp Sassafras)
  2. Action Daddy #5
  3. The first Rough Daddy book. The new newsletter book will be a prequel for this. It’s a spin-off of the Daddy Takes the Reins series and will feature Nick and Katie.
  4. Possibly a Kindle Vella project. Kindle Vella is a pay by chapter program through Amazon, which would allow me to write in real time and post a couple chapters a month. For those who don’t like that, don’t worry. Once the entire book is done, I can pull it down, edit, and release as a single book.
  5. Krampus #7
  6. An expansion of the Snowbound novella from the 2022 anthology, which will be released as its own short book.
  7. Krampus #8

Now, whether I will get to all of those I have no idea, and that’s probably not the order in which I’ll be working either. But hopefully I will get to most of it.

One last thing. WordPress has presented me with a page of statistics about this website at the end of the year. I actually really love getting insights like this, so I thought I’d share a few interesting facts with you.

Last year I wrote 43,000 words on this blog. That’s nearly a full book.
I’ve had 329,057 visitors to the website in total since I started almost five years ago. (It averages 5,000-6,000 a month.)
582,374 post views as well.
Submissive Life is the favorite category of post.
And the top viewed post of all time, at 63,000 views, is a short story about punishment.

Pretty cool right? Anyway, I’m off to work now, but I’ll see you next Friday for ‘No Limits’.

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