New Krampus Book Coming!

As usual when I hit crunch time on a book, I tend to get quieter everywhere else. It’s hard, when you’re pouring all of that time and focus into a project, to pull out long enough to handle other things.

But I ducked out of my cave for long enough to remember that I hadn’t yet shared anything about this book with you! So here I am with a pretty cover to show you, and a teaser.

The Krampus Collective books were meant to be shorter reads. I planned to do two per Christmas season specifically because they were going to be much shorter than my usual books– whoops.

The reality is… that hasn’t happened. While the first one was the length I had planned, since then the books have gotten longer and longer. The current book, Lord Krampus, will be the longest one so far.

Read more: New Krampus Book Coming! Continue reading “New Krampus Book Coming!”

Happy Holidays!

This month is filled with special holidays across the world. If you follow me on twitter or Instagram then you know that I’ve been describing some of them for my #DailyWordArt #WordOfTheDay posts.

I know a lot of my followers celebrate Christmas, but no matter what you celebrate this month I hope it was, or will be great. Holidays can be a really hard time for people. It’s stressful at the best of times and this year has definitely not been that.

So if you’re struggling this year, just remember that you’re not alone. You aren’t overreacting and you have a valid reason for the pain and anxiety. Try not to let your inner bully force you into doing more than you can handle and don’t let anyone, including yourself try to tell you that you’re not doing enough.

You are. I promise you that just surviving is enough of a victory.

And for those of you finding the holiday season a welcome relief from the boredom that comes with lockdown, I hope it’s everything you needed and that the festive cheer carries you into the new year.

I have way too many people I care about to be able to send them all physical cards, as much as I’d like to, so every year I try to make a digital holiday card to share online. This year I made two. You saw the first one already at the top. It follows the theme of the year which is… Goose!

The goose is a figure of chaos. It’s wildly unpredictable, and it seemed like the perfect theme for this year. And at times this year I’ve felt like someone laid that old curse of “May you live in interesting times.” on us, so it seemed like that fit as well.

The other card I did has more of a kinky theme, which I’m sure some of you will appreciate. So here it is:

Girl dressed in a green holiday outfit, with the skirt raised in back, stand in front of the fire holding a stocking that has a paddle and a birch in it.

Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to do a holiday story this year. I had wanted to, but there never seems to be enough time. But if you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, I did post one a couple years ago that you can find here: Santa’s Gift (story) Part one – Musings of a Chaotic Mind (

I’m not sure if there will be another post before the end of the year, so just in case… Happy New Year!

12 Days of Free Xmas Books -and Updates

Just a short post today! I told you I was participating in one more advent style book giveaway this month and I’d get back to you! So, this one is a little different. It’s a 12 days of Xmas theme… however it turns out there are actually 14 free books not 12. It starts on the 12th and runs through the 25th.

Each day there will be a new free book to download, most of them will require newsletter sign-ups. You probably already have my free book, but I doubt you have all the others so it’s worth checking. Unsubbing from these lists is just a quick click at the bottom of the email so if the work isn’t to your taste you can always leave.

Continue reading “12 Days of Free Xmas Books -and Updates”

A Selection of Steamy Holiday Reads

It’s time for the kinky holidays!

Do you like your holiday books extra naughty? Do you like a good dose of kink and spanking mixed in? Well, I’ve got you covered!

I think we all need to escape into fiction this year more than any other! So, as promised I’ve compiled a list of some fantastic holiday releases for you. If you need to get away from the tedium of the real world and dive into fiction for a while these are some good books to check out.

I do hope you’re also taking advantage of the holiday Advent calendars I posted about a few days ago. If you missed it, it’s the post right before this one! FREE BOOKS people! Don’t miss out! You’ll need to pop over and click daily to find your free surprise. With so many authors participating, I guarantee there are some you don’t have.

Continue reading “A Selection of Steamy Holiday Reads”